
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Five Ways to Get Your Child Reading

 5 easy tips to turn your child into a voracious reader. My "expert" status? I love to read, I am a mom, and my daughter reads at two grade levels above her age. I may not be that awesome but employing these five little tips may have your child reading in no time.

My daughter is visiting her dad this summer (something she's done since our divorce) and I always worry that she will lose what she's learned the past school year (and from me) while she's living it up with him. That's not to say I think he will "dumb her down" but...well maybe its my Type A personality scooting to the front during the summer months.
This summer I have no worries, though. Yesterday I spent a fabulous 48 minutes on the phone with my little angel and during that time was treated to a reading from her. I am always amazed by how smart my Maggie is and tend to credit all of her influences, not JUST me; however, I can take pride in how well she reads, her inflection and comprehension, and her ability to use and pronounce the big words as well as the small ones.

The tips I've used are almost a no brain-er for me but I thought I would share what I consider 5 key ways for turning your child into a lover of the written word. With a healthy appetite for reading I believe anyone can do anything they put their mind to.

Tip # 1:
Be a reader and share your love with your child-All kids like to copy what they see others doing and if your child sees you reading often, he or she will want to as well.

Tip # 2:
Read to your child daily-I've been reading to Maggie since she was but a blob in my belly-Spend 10-15-20 minutes or more a day sharing a story with your child.

Tip #3:
Encourage your child to help you read the story you've chosen-Once your child is old enough to start recognizing certain words, let him or her become an active part of telling the story.

Tip # 4:
Seek outside help (workbooks and/or tutoring)-Don't be afraid to admit that you wish your child was a better reader. If the situation reaches a point where you need outside tutoring, there are plenty of ways to get it. Check out your local libraries, bookstores, and research on-line for great tools to get them reading.

Tip # 5:
Take time to hear a story and interact with your child-Once your child can read on his or her own, encourage private time (for them to read on their own) and time with them to hear their story. Help with big words--pronouncing and defining, teach proper inflection (e.g., reading questions, character conversations, etc.), and make this a fun part of your day.

Again, the above worked for us and I am consistently and amazed by my smart girl. I believe in nature AND nurture when raising a child, and this is one area where I can honestly say I had SOMEthing to do with her reading success. Oh, and don't forget to praise your child when he or she blows you away with this awesome reading ability! Good luck with raising voracious readers!!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Forex Trading Market – Learning Forex By Reading?

The Forex market is possibly the largest economic market in the entire world.
Based on the gift studies, more than 85 percent of the day-to-day business operations include trading of the top monetary units such as the US dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, British Pound and other major currencies.

“…This is a real 24-hour market, Forex trading starts everyday in Sydney, and goes around the globe, as the market day starts in every financial middle, primarily to Tokyo, London and New York. There is too much to learn about this greatly competitive, impulsive and delicate market that people may consider it a discouraging job. Therefore, people need to sort out books about forex trading to equip them to function well in the market.

Before you start any trading, you should first start familiarizing your Forex book. There are many Forex books available in most libraries and bookstore, which can be a fantastic help to you as you start with it. You can even find Forex e-books available in the internet…”

In an brilliant Forex book, there are no aggressive sales voices, no trickery, and invisible-free plot, but merely basic information. Forex book gives traders the skill to have an benefit on foreign currency exchange topics. Forex books will help investors to turn into brilliant forex traders.

In any Forex book, it is advisable that you do not devote in any market, the stock market, futures, mutual funds and others, until you devote in yourself first.

There are Forex books that provide traders not only with essential education but also with different trading strategies. These books are applicable for anyone to everyone, for the beginner and expert traders, assisting them gets the expertise, information and skills to effectively trade forex market.

Some of most widespread and greatly useful means to buy forex books are by joining seminars in which there are sample books that are being offered, and subscription services.(visit Of course, this is every depending upon the type of book you want, your inclination, ease of use and budget limitation. There is always something to fit nearly everybody.

Studying forex analysis via forex trading book will allow skilled traders and starters to deal with complete assurance and confidence. You can manage your possess winning forex trading trade part time or full time from home and produce cash flow in growing or declining markets. You can absolutely receive a fantastic earning on the Internet by educating yourself with the forex trading books.

“…The forex books brings a complete information of everyday transactions from the interactions of forex traders every over the world, brokerage firms, controllers and other parties concerned in these business that are not accessible anywhere else. The book will offer you headings and links to medium narratives, and notes, which provide you a simple to check and useful set-up, carried to you each day using the Internet.

But, the difficult thing about this is that most forex books on the topic includes dozens of practical study pointers or talks about macroeconomics. In the Forex book, it is expected that there is many filling that is not sufficiently focused on what a trader needs to achieve a profitable trade.  But, you do not have to worry that much in this case, since forex books can also be of fantastic use to you most especially when you are just a starter in the market…”.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

5 Top Tips For Why Reading Is Important!

1. Reading is an active mental process that improves your concentration and focus:
It makes you use your brain; helping you to reason out things which are unfamiliar to you.

Reading is one of the most enjoyable hobbies a person can have. Although it's saddening to think that the majority of people aren't introduced to the fabulous world of books.

Since you must concentrate in order to read, this requires you to focus and think about what you are reading.

If you want to break the monotony of an uncreative and uninterested life, go and grab an interesting book. Turn the pages to explore new worlds filled with information and ingenuity.

2. Improves your discipline and memory:

Making time to read is something we all feel that we should do, but few of us schedule book reading time every day. But adding book reading to your daily schedule and sticking to it, improves discipline.

Studies show if you don't use your memory, it becomes more and more difficult to remember facts that you have read. Crossword puzzles are an example of a word game that staves off Alzheimer's.

Reading helps to stretch your memory muscles and requires you to remember details, facts and figures, plot lines, themes and characters.

It is really satisfying to look at a shelf of books and say, "I've read every one of those!"

Not only is the knowledge useful, but it is personally very rewarding as well.

3. Builds self-esteem and improves creativity:

The more you read, the more knowledgeable you become and with more knowledge comes more confidence. More confidence builds self-esteem.

Reading about the diversity of life and exposing yourself to new ideas and more information helps to develop the creative side of the brain and filters innovation into your thinking process.

So it's a chain reaction. When you are well read, people will look to you for answers. Then your feelings about yourself only get better. Even more confidence!

Reading about diversity of life and exposing yourself to new ideas and more information helps to develop the creative side of the brain as it imbibes innovation into your thinking process.

4. Reading improves your vocabulary and reduces boredom:

When you are reading books, especially challenging ones, you will probably find yourself exposed to many new words.

Remember when you learnt to read, how you learned to figure out the meaning of one word by reading the context of the other words in the sentence?

You will get the same benefits for building your vocabulary from book reading. So if you are feeling bored, then pick up a book and start reading.

If you're bored anyway, you might as well be reading a good book, right?

5. Gives you a glimpse into other cultures and places of the world, so you'll always have something to talk about:

Reading gives you an insight into the diversity of ethnicity of people, their customs and their lifestyles. You'll become more aware about different places and their codes of conduct in those places.

Ever found yourself in an embarrassing situation where you didn't have anything to talk about? How would you know about the life of people in Alaska if you hadn't read about it?

Want a remedy for this? It's simple. Start reading.

Reading really widens your horizon of information, so you'll always have something to talk about.

Ideally, reading should be split between fiction and nonfiction books. Fiction is definitely more exciting, but it does not yield long term knowledge benefits like nonfiction books do.

Wise Words!

"Not every reader is a leader, but every leader must be a reader."
Harry Truman.

"In our new knowledge economy, if you haven't learned how to learn, you'll have a hard time."

Peter Drucker

Relax and Pick Up A Good Book!

What is speed reading?

Is it just fast reading and nothing else? Of course it is the skill to read volume of words as you can per minute and be able to understand it. So it’s not just the heck of reading the words at all, it’s a matter of fast reading and comprehending what you read.

It is not inherent but it can be developed. Here is some self-help to speed reading for people who wants to develop the skill.

Studies has shown that the normal person’s average reading comprehension rate is about 75%.

When they tried speed reading, it reduces its reading comprehension to 50% or even less to some. This definitely beats the very purpose of reading, because comprehension and learning is compromised. So what then are the basics for effective speed reading?

Below is a handy self-help to speed reading. Check this out and try it out, if you want to develop the skill of it.

Scan the material first

It is best to scan the material before you start reading it so that you will have an idea of the topic at hand.

Best way to scan it is to read first the title, take in the paragraph heading and the overall length of the material. Comprehending what you read is very important. When you are done scanning you can proceed to the next step which is to decide how to tackle reading the material. Most prefer to spend a longer time on certain key paragraphs.

Focus on Keywords

Focusing on keywords is very helpful since you don’t have to read every word to get the idea. You can actually concentrate on the keywords and skip reading other words not so important like “the”, “an” and many more.

Re-reading words doesn’t apply in speed reading. It might be a common practice to everyone but it’s not advisable to re-read words when you are speed reading. The skill of skimming text might be hard to develop but it is not impossible either, it can be achieved with plenty of practice but when you have mastered the skill then you can achieve reading speeds up to 700 words per minute. Almost three times much faster than the normal reading speed of around 200 - 250 words per minute.

Practice is indeed important if you want to develop the skill of it. Get over this self-help to speed reading everyday and in no time you will be able to achieve your goal. Many people spend a lot of money on reading courses when you can achieve it yourself by following strictly the guidelines and tips for effective reading. The secret to it is practice every day and discipline. You have to have the persistence and the discipline to do it every day till you achieve the desired result that you want.

For others self-help to speed reading is just enough for them to develop their skills. For others who think they can’t do it on their own can always enroll on courses for speed reading. It is definitely an edge if you have that skill these days especially if you are involved in works where you have to comprehend and master volumes of information quickly. So if you have not developed that skill yet then better start now, besides it’s never too late to learn.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Reading to young children

Read, read to your children, how many times do you hear the importance of reading to your children starting at early age? Very often, the sooner you start the better are the chances your children will develop that love for books and literature.

Children need to have 1,000 stories read to them before they learn to read for themselves. Preschool children need 3 to 7 books read to them and at least they need to be exposed 3 to 5 new words each day. What other materials can you use to increase their vocabulary and spark their interest in reading and literature? You can use magazines, story books, catalogs, boxes, newspapers, sign and posters.

Your children are not enthusiastic about books? Make it fun! Create different environments to get the attention and interest of your children, involve them in getting the setting for the story. For instance, if you are reading a story about animals in the juggle, then find a spot in your backyard or a corner in your children's room for the setting, add stuff animals, pictures of animals and plants that you may find in magazines, move some of the fake plants you have in your house to the spot, or just make it cozy. Make fanny faces, use different tones of voice to imitate sounds and to make it more interesting. Before, during and after the reading ask children open-ended questions, these will increase their interest in the story, use their critical thinking and utilize and increase new vocabulary.

Reading is important for the development of the brain, socio-emotional skills, use and increase of new vocabulary words and the love for literature. When you read to children you are not only helping them to nurture the love for books, the desire to know, to explore and their literacy development but you are also providing your children with quality time.

Yulitza Aray